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My inspiration comes from studying natural forms and then creating playful and visually interesting patterns using acrylic and sometimes fabrics on canvas.
In the sixties I attained a degree in Creative Embroidery and Textiles from Goldsmiths College London. Then I received my art teachter's art certificate from Sussex University, Brighton. Teaching for seven years in British high schools I was a member of their arts team. During this time my fabric pieces were displayed in many exhibitions.
I emigrated to the northern Rocky Mountains of British Columbia in 1980 and was very fortunate to get a full time position at the specialty school of Dunster Fine Arts teaching multi-grade Kindergarten to Grade Three. There I organized the school's visual art program. After 24 wonderfully creative years there I retired in 2008 and came to live in Jasper. I am very excited to be a member of the Jasper Artists Guild and focus on my own creative work.

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